Valemount & Area Museum
Valemount, Colombie-Britannique

Galerie Vignettes Histoires Contactez-nous Recherche




On September 2, 1862 the Thompson party began their adventure southwards. They walked for two days on a fairly well defined trail, skirting the shores of Cranberry Lake and crossing the Canoe River.

Travel Cost

This record of per capita cost of the expedition was given by Thomas McMicking of Queenston, Canada West in 'Diary,' 1862. NW 97 1E M167.

Fare of Queenston to St. Paul by Railroad and Steamboat …… $16.65

Fare from St. Paul to Fort Garry by stage and steamboat ……$25.00

Outfit, including share of

tent ………………………………………………………$2.00

dishes and cooking utensils …………………………$2.00

mining tools …………………………………………… $2.00

ox, cart, harness, and pack-saddle …………………$25.00


Provisions, including

168 lbs. Flour ………………………………………… $6.00

50 lbs. pemmican ……………………………………… $3.00

Bacon …………………………………………………… $1.50

Beans, codfish, dried apples …………………………$1.50


Groceries, consisting of

Tea, coffee, sugar, pepper, salt, mustard,

Baking soda, vinegar, and matches$5.00

Other expenses

Payment of 4 guides ………………………………… $2.00

Board at St. Paul,

Georgestown, and Fort Garry……………………… $5.00

Charge for use of H.B. boats ……………………… $1.00


TOTAL EXPENSES ……………………………... $97.65


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